Join us while we explore an abandoned roadside amusement park, an abandoned dive bar and revisit the abandoned auto-graveyard. Video:…
amusement parks
EPISODE: Joyland Amusement Park, Kansas
Video: History: Joyland amusement park in wichita Kansas was founded in 1949 by Lester Ottaway and his sons. It was…
Gallery: Abandoned Amusement Park (Kansas)
Joyland Amusement Park is an abandoned amusement park in Wichita, Kansas, United States. It was in continuous operation for 55…
SNIPPET: Abandoned Amusement Park
From our “Snippets” series of 60 second videos created for instagram, here is some raw footage of an amusement park…
Photos: LeSourdsville Lake, Americana Amusement Park 2014/16
In 2014 we had the chance to visit several abandoned amusement parks while we toured the country. You will see…